miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Appologies and greetings

Hello my friends!!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!
Well, this last couple of months I've been trying to solve my future and my life in general... I'm in a new city with new projects and job, so trying to adapt to this new life... But one of my goals is to do this a full time job and that's why I needed to make some changes to my life...
I apologize for this new absence, I know you guys wanted to have some new stuff, but believe me, I wanted too!!
I want to forge a solid relationship with you, and this kind of lapsus don't helps at all...

I've tried the new Daz render IRay, and I'm in love with. You can see for yourself and tell me what do you think!

And for the monsters lovers:

I know I have some debts with some of you! I'll try to fulfill it, I promise... I'm a little lost after this time lost...