viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Huge? Little? What?

Greetings, all!  Zelas here.  Thank you for the warm welcomes.  It's nice to be around those who share similar likes of Damn3D's works.  I hope you all visit often and leave nice comments.  Encouraging words are always good for the soul of the artist.  Now, on to some updates.

A couple previews from the Ilaria+Mino set.  One of which showing an example of small changes I'm asking for since anime type expressions do not always translate well into 3DX.  And yes, that cock is huge... but relax.  It'll be fine =)

I'm kind of wary showing off too much from this set, however.  I think it may be more enjoyable to view it fully completed instead of showing a new page every week.  Plus, it's an adaption of an existing work so you already know how it ends, right?  Thoughts?
In other news Damn3D is doing well.  I even hear he's been approached for a new, fairly large commission. It gives me the warm fuzzies to see a favored artist not starve.  If you're thinking he already has too much going on with his ACK series and all, fear not.  He makes it a point ensure a reasonable delivery date so he has enough time to work on existing projects.  Plus, it allows him to keep learning 3DX and try out some fun/funny limits and extremes such as this "little" surprise... which will lead into "another little" surprise.  Stay tuned! 

16 comentarios:

  1. I am so looking forwards to all the new works, always happy to hear indeed that an artist i like is doing well.

  2. What a huge black cock is that in this beautifull lovely girl!
    Oh man your'e the best :D

  3. Looking so much forward to seeing those series

  4. Outstanding artwork. Any upload date for that set?

    1. No firm date. This is mostly my fault as the commissioner because I am reviewing each shot he renders. Plus, each comic page is really 4-5 rendered images in a normal set. It'll be worth the wait, I promise.

    2. Many thanks for your feedback. :-)

  5. Thanks for the update. That cock seems to be about the right size for her :D

  6. Man I wanna see that thing in Ilaria's ass soooo bad!!!

    1. It is truly a wonderful thing to see, but she can handle much more than that. We still haven't revealed the project for which she was originally conceived for. At the moment I have codenamed it the 'Zelas Super Set'. It's not much but I guess this comment is the first glimpse of what we have in store.

    2. Oh my! My imagination is running wild now!!! Btw, I am Loveflash and I wrote the two last comments I forgot to put my signature cuz I only had one hand available at the time lol.

  7. My dick feels like you should update as often as possible because all these works are so amazing!

    1. I think if we did what our dicks felt all the time we'd be in jail right now =P

    2. LOL :D hahaha... Thanks dude!!

    3. <3 you guys and will be checking in daily. -Loveflash

  8. Are you using the Japanese style left to right reading format for your set? Or changing the writing to match a right to left despite matching the original set's picture layout out of interest? It seems weird to keep it left to right in the Japanese style considering the audience is going to be primarily Westerners.

    Other than that I have to say that while the pictures you've shown off look great, they don't work as well as the original stuff in my opinion, mostly because the original has her blushing constantly, which I think is a big part of the appeal of the doujin. The blush (and to a lesser degree, for me, the sweat) help reinforce the idea that she's in heat and her desire for dick is over-riding her sense of decency etc. Mind you, I've no idea how easy/hard it is to make a 3D model blush, but I think it'd work much better if she was personally.

    1. Hello! We will be keeping it in the original right to left format. We did entertain the idea of swapping but decided against it as I didn't want Damn3D to spend extra time worrying about it. Besides, since it is my commission I am ultimately the target audience; I'm naturally comfortable reading right to left ^_-

      Please keep in mind this will heavily borrow from the original works, inspired by and a tribute to, but will not be an exact copy to it. Early on we found it difficult to capture the look and emotion exactly and I was ok with taking a few liberties with some changes (you can see difference in expression between Ilaria and Bianca on the cover page). I agree with you about the sweat and it is something we're currently working towards; everything shown so far has been WIP. I will have to respectively disagree with you about the blushing, though. Ilaria is a different character from Bianca with a different personality. Though placed in an identical scenario, there will be subtle differences in their reactions. I suppose it'll be easier to note once the dialogue is in place.

      Thank you for the comment. I can't speak for Damn3D but it's always nice to have a different set of eyes on the details.
