domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

... a little surprise/update

So to continue off the little surprise mentioned in the previous post... viola!  The short mini-comic "Too Much Cock".  Born off playing around with morphing limits, Damn3D thought "Sure, why not.  Karina could use some *happiness* today" and decided to render several more poses and slap on some dialogue for your enjoyment.

Hopefully you'll all have fun with this.  Karina is fine for those wondering.  Being an apostle of Hedonisa, she heals very quickly.  Until next time, ciao! 
PS.  For the large insertion and stomach bulge fans, I recommend keeping tabs on A Third Dimension.

25 comentarios:

  1. could you make this vaginal?

  2. I cant believe it man youre so cool on rendering models! :O

  3. Haha pretty awesome this, Keep going my favourite artist ^^

  4. After that training, Karina next step is "too much cockS" =P

    1. Ehi, Damn, can you try to do the same treatment with his throat!
      And I bet you can penetrate Karina with cock hugest than this.
      Accept the challange?

  5. *wonders if she can take two of those*

  6. That's a damn HUGE surprise :D
    The last pic looks like "to be continued" ...
    Thanks for the set!

  7. Amazing set you guys!!! I especially like the see through one. I hope to see more of this set or any set really, lol. Maybe you guys are the "one", by that I mean the ones who are crazy enough to do a large anal insertion with neck bulge (crosses fingers). As for A Third Dimension, they hit a snag with voice actress and the project has already been delayed a month past its intended release which was late Feburary. We can only hope that it comes out later this month but they haven't said anything yet :(. As soon as I get my hands on that I will be cleaning out inferior prons from my personal stash, of course you guy's stuff is awesome so it will definitely make the cut XD. <3 -Loveflash

  8. lol, saw you on exhentai! Love that site -Loveflash

  9. Wow, this is really awesome! It's hard for me to find 3dx artists who dare to do extreme things like this. Keep going please!

  10. Hi!
    Can U consult me how to do such streching.
    do you use the standart victoria4 model or mordifired?
    Or this is a prop of vagina and anus morphed in zBrush and finaly corected in Photoshop?

    1. Hi there!!
      Well, I use Genesis2 base figure, both male and female, with a geo-graphted genital prop, and for doing such extreme stretching I use Zbrush to morph the genital and the base figure. See you!!

  11. IN THE NAME wtf BEAUTIFUL set is this again??? :D

  12. Really hope we get some more. It stopped when it was getting really interesting

  13. I don't like Third Dimension circle, because they do stuff about pain. While your stuff stay about fun and pleasure which make me way better (a nice girl smile is always hot)

    1. I agree, friend. I, too, enjoy Damn3D's works for the very same reason. In my mind, for The Third Dimension, as long as no girls are crying, then pain can also be pleasure.

  14. This definitely has promise lol. Great work thanks!

  15. Great Comic!! Can you ask Damn3d if he is still able to do my commission? I believe the mini comic is based on the comission I asked him to do on and unfinished comic I'm working on. Can you email me at filtnastraw at yahoo dot com. Thx.

    1. Hello there. The most I will do is ask him to check the comments. Please remember I'm only here to help update his blog once in a while and help with translations.

  16. boludo! pero que excelente trabajo, nunca se me hubiera ocurrido que alguien estuviera haciendo contenido porno-3D, con semejante calidad y maravillosamente puedes en el siguiente post que hagas, responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿ el personaje de la jovencita peliroja en "anal giants" esta basado en Emma Stone?. Tambien, y te lo digo como recomendacion, puedes sacar excelente material para transcripcion o inspiracion en unos comixxx de super heroinas, muy puerco y divertido.

    Felicidades por tremendo trabajo que hacen.


  17. What happened? did he just disappear. How can anyone notbe able to get on the internet for almost two months?

    1. I'm not sure. I haven't been able to get a response from him via texting either. I hope he is ok.

  18. I need more Karina and Dani. Excellent!!!

